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  • Kris R.

finding your piece of peace.

Let’s start by posing the question, How would you define peace for yourself?

Whatever comes up for you when pondering an answer to this question, sit with it. Write it down and journal about it. Pray/meditate on it.

The intention is to break down the layers and discover how the things can be incorporated more into your life. Because your peace is important. It is a priority. Even if it only starts with obtaining a piece of it, first. It is obtainable. 

One thing I have learned about myself, in reference to finding my piece of peace, is that I am most at peace when I can control parts of my time. For instance, if I know that I have a busy day ahead, I am intentional about blocking off time for myself. I am at peace knowing that there is always a part of my day that is reserved for catering to myself. Even if it is a small portion of my day. Whether this time is as soon as I wake up in the morning, or after the long day has been completed. I may go for one of my long morning walks, do some stretching, sit in extended silence and meditative state, or stay in bed until I absolutely have to get up. Honestly, I do whatever it is that I feel like doing, or make a plan to give myself whatever it is that she wants and/or needs.

After a long day, some of my favorite forms of peace include sitting in silence, watching a favorite show/movie, writing, checking something off of my to-do list, going to one of my favorite spots, or one that may be on my list to try, rest, etc. 

I am also a person that loves to plan. Trip itineraries, vacations, date nights, my schedule, some one else's schedule, etc. Something about it brings me a lot of fulfillment. Our peace is aligned with the feeling of fulfillment. Something is bringing you pleasure. A desire is being met. There is a part of you that is being put at ease, which is, peaceful.

Obtaining a piece of peace sometimes requires boundaries to be set. Sometimes it requires you to say "No". Sometimes it requires you to face kickback from other people. Sometimes it requires you to be honest with yourself about what is truly needed. Sometimes choosing your peace requires you to make difficult decisions, but they are only difficult because prioritizing your needs may not be something that you are used to doing. The other difficult part is seeing whether or not people prioritizing you & support you when you are on the journey of prioritizing yourself. But we can talk about that in a later blog!!

The subject of fulfillment for yourself is also something that is worth exploring, if the concept of peace may be something that is too broad, or too small. The options are honestly limitless and should only cater to your wants, needs, and desires. It is okay to explore a plethora of choices because you are deserving of a non-limited, unconditional type of love, affection, & support. Giving it to yourself makes it even more meaningful. 

Do you believe that you are deserving of more peace in your life? Start by starting. Give yourself that time to figure out what that could mean for you and your life, and then see how it can grow from a practice to a lifestyle.

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