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  • Kris R.

prayer + manifestation + affirmation board 2023.

I made the decision to try something a little different going into this new year, and I can honestly say that I am happy that I did. Toward the end of 2022, I began reading my Bible more and aligning it with real life and translating into affirmations and words that were used to pour into my mental, emotional, and spiritual space. Sometimes scriptures provide me with a level of mental security that is unmatched.

So thanks to the girlies on TikTok, I became inspired to create a prayer board with the addition of my translations and words in order to make it more personal. I must admit that I enjoyed this process. I had not physically created a vision board since 2020 so it was nice to create this, but in a more intentional way.

I broke it down into six different focus areas: finances, physical space, mental space, getting to the top of the mountain, power validation, and remaining in deep faith. These are all pinpointing areas of my life that I want to do better with navigating.

For example:

~ My physical space is referencing my physical health, being active, balancing my diet and weight, becoming more accepting of things about my body that I cannot necessarily change, etc.

~ The scripture that I have under this section is Matthew 6:25 and it reads, "Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body not more than clothes."

~ My personal words/affirmations include:

" You are beautifully and wonderfully made."

"Stop focusing on what you are not and embrace more of what you are."

"Your body is your temple. Cherish it. Nourish it. Honor it. Compliment it. You are incomparable."

Creating this board allowed me to develop a deeper meaning behind the words that I speak and deeper connection on a spiritual level because it allowed me to purposefully add and apply substance to what I want to see happen in my life through my own words and scriptures.

I highly recommend trying to do this for yourself. Even if you're not a "Bible reader" or a spiritual person, in that way, speaking powerfully over your life and into yourself is something that you should consider sitting with and in-cooperating for yourself.

2023 is going to be a powerful year, but you have to see and feel that for yourself. Let's tap into that!

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