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  • Kris R.

how to work thru dissatisfaction.

Getting caught up in the blindness of what is currently happening, or not happening, in your present day experiences is something that is easy to get absorbed in. If we are not satisfied with the way things are right now, we are continuously working to get out of it, pressing for the future, rushing to get to a better future. Or, we are sinking into the negative effect of what is currently happening that we do not have the mental capacity to believe that tomorrow could be any better.

Everything is temporary. And if you know, believe, and apply that to your life then that can change the dynamic of your dissatisfaction of what is happening in your life today. The more you linger and focus on the dissatisfaction of the temporary, the longer the temporariness will last and fester. Then it no longer feels temporary so it becomes your normality. It becomes your mindset, your viewpoint of life, your reality even. It is deemed normal until you decide that you no longer want it to be.

Sometimes you have to suffer in order for you to get where you need/want to be. Shit has to happen for shit to happen. The suffering will last as long as you allow it to last. If you want a shift to happen, it is primarily your decision to make the shift happen. Understanding that this is often easier said than done, especially when life feels like it is stripping you of everything that you have and wearing you down.

How you handle your position in the middle of your temporary trials, tribulations, struggles, pain, uncertainty, etc. will determine how long you will be in it, how it will manifest in your life, and what will happen next.

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