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  • Kris R.

Experiencing Valentine's Day the Right Way (Singles Edition).

Updated: Feb 17, 2023

Being single doesn’t mean being lonely. There is no other love like the love that is experienced like the one within us. That is the love that will make us more lovable to the people we yearn to receive love from. When we get to a place of self love, where we see who we are, & most importantly, where we are more accepting of the person we are, the relationship with yourself shifts in a major way.

If you don’t know how to date yourself; if you don’t know how to please yourself; if you don’t know how to serve yourself, then how is it possible that you think you’re ready to share space with someone else?

Instead of being bitter or giving negative energy toward the day that was created to honor different forms of love, discover the type of love that you are seeking from others within yourself.

You know yourself better than anyone. Listen. Learn. Accept. Take yourself on a date. Stay in the house and make yourself your favorite meal; wine and dine yourself. Buy yourself flowers. Treat yourself to a spa day. Delete social media so you won’t be triggered by all of the “perfect” relationships. Journal. Schedule an appointment with a therapist (if you’re ready).

Create empowering and uplifting affirmations. Start by listing the things that you absolutely love about yourself. Document the things that you believe that you are deserving of. Write down some self-care/solo dating ideas, make it a monthly thing, and then a weekly thing.

If you are absolutely against being alone, set a date with another single friend. Go to a singles event. Give love to people who may not be getting it as often – the homeless, people housed in nursing homes, etc. Do something nice for someone who may be grieving a loved one.

The point is ... it is okay that you are single for Valentine's Day. Quite frankly, you can do whatever you want. Literally. All you have to worry about is pleasing yourself. Do nothing less than that.

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